This massage incorporates the use of essential oils which are concentrated plant essence. They can promote wellbeing through the sense of smell. They have unique properties which can increase circulation, detoxify the system, calm the mind and much more.
Heated Basalt stones are used for this deeply relaxing massage. Together with traditional massage, the heat from the stones penetrates deeper into the muscles to reduce aches and pains and relieve muscle tension. The treatment is completed with the use of cold stones that stimulate the neural pathways and quicken the circulatory system.
Hot stone Therapy can help in the treatment of the following problems: muscular aches and pains, strains, rheumatic and arthritic conditions multiple sclerosis, back pain, insomnia, improves circulation, reduces stress, anxiety, tension & depression.
Reflexology is a method for activating the healing powers of the body. It has both historic and modern influences. With information gathered from ancient texts, illustrations and artefacts we know that the early Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Russians, and Egyptians worked on the feet to promote good health. Today many of these same techniques have been developed into a modern scientific method called reflexology.
Holistic medicine is a broad range of medical practices that are based on many years of tradition. With my Accupressure treatment, your body and mind will feel free and clear of all worries and stressors that life places upon us. I’m trained in a variety of holistic techniques that will surely help to heal you both mentally and physically.